vendredi 26 février 2010

My stats

"Thats too much!"
"You should stop"
"Its not sexy anymore*
Those are the comments I usually get from my friends and family. They have NO IDEA how much bigger I wanna get! ;-) If they knew, they'd think I am crazy...Well maybe I am. I know Im bigger than most of the guys but every time I see a bodybuilder or a big stud it makes me so jealous I just wanna drain all of his muscles into my body ;-)

When I started the gym I was 74kilos. And today Im 107kilos. Last year I started serious diet for the first time and thats why it was the best year. I gained 13kilos in 12 months. I cant tell you how much I wanna weigh next year or when im gonna be 30 because I dont want any limit. All I can say is the bigger I am, the bigger I wanna be!

As you can imagine my diet is low fat and high carb and protein. I eat seven meals a day or more if I can. I go to the gym six times a week for one hour 15. All my life is about my muscle growth. Even studying medicine can help me understand my body better.

3 commentaires:

  1. Sensationnel! Et tout a fait d'accord avec toi, never big enough!
    Tu habites ou en france? Ca te dit d'entrer en contact pour parler? moi

  2. Merci bcp nicolas d'avoir été l'un des tous premiers a me poster un commentaire.C'est tres motivant et tres surprenant de voir que des gens s'interessent à moi et partage ma passion. Pour répondre a ta question je viens de l'est de la France, région Valorbe-Pontarlier.

  3. OMG, you should so not stop! I love looking at your pictures and touching myself! So sexy and amazing! Muscle is the best!
