Are you into muscle growth? Young and huge bodybuilders? Muscle worship? Do you like watching young men getting bigger and bigger every day? Seeing their power growing along with their muscles?
Are you turned on right now? ;-)
My name is Marky. Im a 22 years old french man living in France. (Forgive my english please ;-) )
I have been working out for three years now and its time i pass to the next level. I study medicine and work during the weekend to pay my rent. Bodybuilding is my passion and I wanna get as huge as I can staying healthy and fit. But its an expensive passion for a student. Thats why I started this Blog. I thought that if people start to get interested in me and if their proud of my results I could make some monney out of it to help me pay for my gym membership, supplements and food.
Only you can help me get bigger. I want you to see me growing day after day, becomming the musclemonster I wanna be ;-)
Thanks and let me know what you think